The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender & And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer | Mini Reviews

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

Published: March 2014
Read: March 2019
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: Foolish love appears to be a Roux family birthright. And for Ava Lavender, a girl born with the wings of a bird, it is an ominous thing to inherit. In her quest to understand her peculiar disposition and a growing desire to join her peers, Ava ventures into the wider world. But it is a dangerous world for a naive girl – a world which may view her as a girl or angel. On the night of the summer solstice celebration, the skies open up, rain and feathers fill the air and Ava’s journey and her family’s saga reaches a devastating crescendo.

I knew from the opening paragraph that I was going to love this. 

“To many, I was myth incarnate, the embodiment of a most superb legend, a fairy tale. Some considered me a monster, a mutation. To my great misfortune, I was once mistaken for an angel. To my mother, I was everything. To my father, nothing at all. To my grandmother, I was a daily reminder of loves long lost. But I knew the truth—deep down, I always did. I was just a girl.” 

I felt overwhelming emotion whilst reading this novel, and while it certainly was strange at times, the gorgeous writing, memorable characters and rich atmosphere made it impossible to put down. 

This story was strange, real, honest, lyrical, heartbreaking, sorrowful yet startlingly beautiful and is unlike anything I have read before. 


And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer by Fredrik Backman

Published: November 2016
Read: April 2019
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: An exquisitely moving portrait of an elderly man’s struggle to hold on to his most precious memories as he struggles with dementia, and his family’s efforts to care for him even as they must find a way to let go.

This novella had me sobbing (and by sobbing I mean ugly crying) from beginning to end. It was filled with beautiful and emotionally stunning prose, which broke my heart yet made me smile all at once. This story was told with such emotion that I felt every word. 

Whilst short, it was impactful, and I hope I have absorbed at least some of its wisdom about life, love, memory, fear and death. This is a must read and my number one go-to recommendation to anyone and everyone.


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